● Introduction and getting to know Coach Davis [0:51]
● Did being a youth ball coach influence the coach that you are now? [1:26]
● How did coaching help you to be a better father? [3:27]
● Do you think there’s a difference in coaching at Buford as opposed to coaching in the
inner city? [4:24]
● You knew you had so much to give, why did you think those students needed you? [5:34]
● Would you say coaching makes you a better man? [8:14]
● Why new fathers should consider getting into youth coaching [8:53]
● Does being a great provider make you a great father? [10:01]
● How important is it for both the mom and the dad to be present in their kids’ lives?
● Do you think you can be present from prison? [12:22]
● Do you think you can be just as present out of the house that you are out of the house?
● Why it helps when the dad is close to the son [13:56]
● On the Buford Way [14:15]
● How different is it to coach boys as opposed to coaching girls? [17:25]
● In dealing with females, did you always have a female track coach on the team? [19:58]
● In what ways did coaching female girls help you be a better father and husband? [20:52]
● Would you advise new fathers to be coaches? [22:33]
● What advice would you give new fathers? [24:23]